2019年5月1日 星期三

Beware - Known Issues with update 


Breaking of Security Filtering with GPO

Has anyone had issues with this?  It's a GPO security update:
But there are reports of it breaking GPOs.
EDIT:  MS has said this is BY DESIGN and thus will not be fixed.  This link explains why this is happening and how to fix your GPOs so you can apply this update without issue.
Don't want to read the whole MS article?  See this post, later in this thread:
EDIT 2:  I strongly urge everyone to NOT decline this update.  Don't approve it, either.  Check all your GPOs, fix them if needed, then approve this.  This is a needed security update and just declining it is not a good idea.  I'm sure later updates will be based on this one.

ref: https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1666296-beware-known-issues-with-update-kb3159398

